Reports: ISIR - Verification/DRT
Report Description
This report identifies students who have an IRS code of any of the following in the Student or Parent IRS Request Flag fields on the ISIR Record:
01 = IRS data request was sent to IRS
02 = IRS data was transferred from IRS and was not changed on the application by the user
03 = IRS data was transferred from IRS and at least one IRS data field was changed on the application by the user
04 = IRS data was transferred from the IRS and on a correction entry at least one IRS data field was changed by the user
05 = Student/parent was presented with the option to use the IRS DRT in FAFSA on the web, but elected not to use it.
06 = IRS data for the student was transferred from the IRS, but a subsequent change made the student/parent ineligible to use the IRS DRT.
07 = IRS data for the student/parent was transferred from IRS, but the IRS indicated that the student/parent filed an amended tax return
Blank = DRT not available in the application method utilized by the student/parent.
This report will enable schools, at their discretion, to request tax return information from students who have these particular codes on their ISIR record. It can also be used to locate students with a code of 02 so that submission of their tax returns for verification may be waived.
Report Parameters / Filters
Institution (multi-select)
Campus (multi-select)
Site (multi-select)
Federal Award Year (single select)
Student ISIR Flag Code
Parent ISIR Flag Code
Active ISIR (Y/N/All - default to All)
Selected for Verification (Y/N/All – default to All)
Verification Tracking Group – ( Multiselect among V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, All – default to All)
Student SNAP Benefits (Y/N/Blank/All - default to All)
Parent SNAP Benefits (Y/N/Blank/All - default to All)
Student's Child Support Paid Amount From
Student's Child Support Paid Amount To
Parent's Child Support Paid Amount From
Parent's Child Support Paid Amount To
ISIR Received Date From
ISIR Received Date To
Program Start Date Range From
Program Start Date Range To
Academic Year Start Date From
Academic Year Start Date To
Payment Period Start Date Range From
Payment Period Start Date Range To
Program Type (Undergraduate/Graduate/All - default to All)
Student Active?
Show User Defines Fiels
User Defined Fields
Verification Status
Has Paid Title IV Disbursements?
All (default)
Output Columns
Federal Award Year
External Student ID (1-4 applicable)
First Name
Last Name
State of Residency
ISIR Transaction Number
Undergraduate/Graduate (display UG or GR)
Active ISIR indicator
Selected for Verification
Student IRS Flag
Parent IRS Flag
Verification Tracking Group
Verification Status
Student SNAP Benefits
Student's Child Support Paid
Parent's Child Support Paid
ISIR Received Date
Program of Study
Program Start Date
Student is Active?
Display the Name/Value pairs of the User Defined Fields being used by the school, if chosen from the report parameters.
Paid Title IV Disbursements?